Monday 26 March 2007

Not Smoking

Not touched a ciggy for 4 days now, today monday 26th March was hard, i experienced quite a few cravings, but not bad enough to give in.

I kept myself busy, drunk lots of water and read up on the quit smoking on line which i found beneficial. Time now 6pm, feeling ok and glad i am still going strong.

My breathing is better, i can smell and taste food again and my clothes smell good, i can still smell my perfume.

Went out yesterday for a pub meal and sat by smokers as the only table left. The smoke never really bothered me, did not make me want one only realise what a fool i was to care so much about smoking in the past. I am determined to stay smoke free,

Hope this helps others to give up........................

Friday 23 March 2007


Now i am on my 8th day, now taking 1mg twice daily, i have not smoked. Lighting one up makes me feel very sick.

Although i have not touched a ciggy, i must admit all day i have not stopped thinking about them and each time i did, i told myself 5 mins and i will have a fag.

To keep myself busy i decided to clean my house right through then check out the internet to see what other smokers do to pass the time. I came across this web site

After reading this, i realised what this guy mentions makes alot of sense, its not the ciggy that relaxes you, its you. This quit smoking site is free and the down loading of his book is also free, so what have i got to lose. I sat back with my mug of tea and read through, even did the mind test which i found very hard to do.

Through out our lifes, we are told that giving up smoking is really hard, the cravings are difficult and we must have will power to suceed, obviously, we train our minds into believing this, so when it comes to us freeing ourselves from fags, we fear the side effects.

As well as champix, i am also going to rely on the mind training techiques to help.

Tuesday 20 March 2007


I have smoked since the age of 14yrs and now getting old having just had my 41st birthday, i believe its time to seriously think about giving up the smokes.

Having tried everything from patches, chewing gum and the drug zyban, i decided to try champix. Unlike zyban leaving me with hives and panick atacks, this wonder pill has so far given me no side effects at all.

Day one, take 1 white 0.5 mg in the morning.
day 2, 3 take 1 0.5 mg in the morning.
day 4, 5,6,7 take one 0.5 mg in the morning and one in the evening.

From day 8, take 1mg blue tablet morning and evening and continue this for 12 weeks.

To help you give up, you will have to have extra support with the stop smoking organisations, rather than attend group sessions, i attend one to one 15 min sessions weekly.
I am now on day 5 of taking champix and have noticed a change, already i have cut down from 30 to 20 and my cravings seem to be less, the smoking sensation has diminished and i am finding i am throwing them away after a few drags. I do have a bad taste in my mouth after smoking.

My quit day is 26th March 2007 but the way things are going, i may quit earlier.

I will admit to you that i am not a strong willed person and smoking has been apart of my life for a very long time, every where i go, i take my packet of smokes, first thing in the morning, i light up. When i tried to give up before, i seem to panick, i believe i have nothing in my life to look forward to, i even dream of smoking, my temper bad and my cravings are so awful, i always give in within days.

To anyone out there who like me wants to stop smoking and needs to have continued support, please reply. Together, we can be smoke free and start to live our lifes in a clean and healthier way. Thanks for reading this. Teresa x